Monday, March 7, 2011

A question arose-

a question arose - concerning specifically:
In specific Gorohovschi asks whether this is perhaps evidence of gravitational waves. Audrey says:

I've got a noobs question. In this picture one can see waves similar to waves on a pond.

Is there an explanation for them? Could that be due to gravitational waves?

Thank you,

The answer is no because - even though the distances are great (---> spacetime warping is expected at least 10^- 15 , on down thru say -22) nothing interacts with matter here in the fashion we can see in visible light or at least our IR/RF telescopes (though relatively soon we will begin looking with other devices/satellites, stay tuned). IF we had say  tremendous fields of quarks or a sea of high energy protomatter, as many cosmologists speculate (I am one of them) - then we would - with the proper measuring devices - see phenomena emanating from this and certainly other ( very old, 100,000 years after birth of current universe) sources.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

let the others boil over. we’ll smile: in 3 languages

let the others boil over. we’ll smile:
пусть тak, они будут нa миг -
we will go out now, you and me a while:
dits schönheit, meine Schätz’li: mein Sieg.

we have no care, no place to be -
с твоим лицoм в зеркале, мы на победу: пoexaли.
worries are for others who have no life,
für uns: kaviar mit champagne, und nestlé...
let the others boil over: we'll smile


well, nah, not today. out for a tour with - whom else? a beauty...
leave the translation for later in case your swiss german and russian are not on point at the moment. 

motif seulement - printemps

              motif seulement - printemps 

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sample Mids










(author's note - in China Sì, "4"  or  四     is an unlucky number. Notoriously so. So I include 5 small easy pieces here.)


Lest anyone get greedy - it has been known to happen - all the material here is copyright© , the owner of this blog. If you wish to see more of the work, feel free to email me -   .

Thank you.

My Work, Mids

Mids are a style of poetry in which one line starts with so many letters, and then the next line has the same number of letters +1. Simple enough. Here, from the Preface to my booklet, Mids:

From my booklet, Mids

The Mids

- A new form of poetry based on line and number which draws from the shape and texture of ancient poems.

by *
As if history weren't enough, the landscape of poetry contains another marbled vein: what could be called "Mids". The dubbing draws from the unique form of these poems. Simply put, line one has one letter. Line two has two letters, and so forth. The "Mid" nomenclature derives from the word pyramid, whose etymological derivations from Greek and Latin indicate something loosely translated as "Fire In The Middle". Thus, the -mid root of the word.


We as poets add to this willy-nilly a filter of Protoindoeuropean designation. For simplicity, I have chosen Latin, Greek or Slavic prefixes: one being represented by mono- , two being represented by duo-, &tc. Certainly license is taken as to how the sound of the resultant concatenation falls from poet's palette to paper's canvas. Indeed the poet’s instrument here is spryly honed. Content is of supreme importance, all the while balanced on the tightropes of letters iterating seriatim.

  Thus, for whatever reason, the name "Monamid" sounds, at least to the author's ear, better than "Unamid"; this being a case of a Greek root sounding better. If one went though for example instead to Slavic roots, the designation would be something like "Odinnamid". The "Odin" or "One" prefix might end up completely transmogrifying the intended meaning of the word, for "Odin" of course was the name of a Norse god in the cosmogony of the ancients. In any case the name "Monamid" sounds better than the other candidates...

Lest anyone get greedy here - it has been known to happen - all the material here is copyright© , the owner of this blog. If you wish to see more of the work, feel free to email me -   .

Thank you. 

dead poets never lie


beauty lingers in the eye
starlights brighten darkest sky
dead are those who never try
dead poets never lie

gather'd birds soon go fly
they leave 'fore we say goodbye;
I saw your beauty, now i'll die
every human needs to try

we're born as babes, grow to "I"
few climb mountains and go high
we made it once, you and I --
silly humans always die

take me skylark beyond far sky
I leave this poem to rhyme with "eye"
death be far, death come nigh-
dead poets never die.

home sweet home is now

People walking, Gandan Monastery. ©Owner this blog
That day I left Gandan in 2007 it was chilly. Minus 43 degrees to be exact. I began study there as a Buddhist monk. In fact I still study and keep my own dharma materials with me. I place some pictures here.

Of course if China knew about my connection they would make it diffucult; for example I have very much avoided falun da people - in fact I have found them to be lacking in the essence of real Buddhism.

There is a time and place for everything.

The beauty of the empire of Chingis Xaan was something to behold; we learn of it only today in echoes and imagery from the past. This year, 2011 - is the 803 anniversary of Chingis Xaan's birth. There was TOLERANCE in the greatest empire the world has ever known:

temple beside synagogue beside mosque beside shrine.

All beliefs were allowed to exist as part of the requirement for being in Chingis' firmament. He took over China, for example.  Coleridge Taylor's famous poem "In Xanadu did Kublai Khan a stately pleasure dome decree..."    refers to  the largest city in the world. Do you know the answer to the question for today?


ANSWER: Chongqing China  PRC.

Population >30 million.

Zuun Naran treet, at entrance to Gandan Monastery.©  
And a while back, the Xaan's kingdom extended over China. Of course many know that the reason the "Great Wall" was constructed was for protection from the invading throngs. Qongqing City ~ Qong Qing De = approximately Xong Na De = approximately Xanadu.

To the right, part of the little wall that separates Gandan form the neighboring GERs / yurts and dwellings in Ulan Bataar. I am slated to return to study this year, and look forward to warmer climes there in summer months. But come 19 September each year give or take, snow falls and pretty much does not leave as snow pack under foot.

Environs about the Gandan Monastery, Ulan Bataar © Owner this blog
Wherever I am is home. Now is home. Paradox, ambiguity, perhaps; I already blogged about the ambiguity thing.

But... time is so short, to do awakening and then dwell still in the world is just a momentary thing too.

I thought it would never arrive

My my. I thought the day might never arrive. I knew I would get my chance at being just another f*cking millionaire. No more rainy days, in other words...

To my Spam INbox came this:

I am Mr Buru Onya working with
African Development Bank(ADB)
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Dear friend,

This message might meet you in utmost surprise. However, it's just the urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction. I am Mr Buru Onya from Burkina Faso in west Africa. I got your e-mail contacts from website after my extensive search for capable person. I prayed and meditated fervently over it and i committed it into the hands of almighty that you should be the rightful person to help out before I made up my mind to contact you today.

I have the opportunity of transferring the left over fund sum of US$39.500 Million dollars into a foreign account and the said fund belongs to our deceased client. Hence, I am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40 if you agree to my business proposal.

Further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail. Reply me here for security reasons, Email

Have a great day.

Mr Buru Onya

But hey, you know what, Mr. Onya - I am holding out for the big one, solly chollie. I wanna be a billionaire. Millionaire thing, not worth my while. But you have a nice day.

I think you owe it to yourself

we all know Tibet is a fascinating place. I have a lot of information about the country and traditions. I think you owe it to yourself to check it out via this link here if you are at all interested in the matter. Here I will remain letting deep waters run quietly and refer albeit obliquely to the "Oracle of Tibet":

treMENdous controversy exists since 1959 w.r.t the Dalai Lama - who as you might not know is considering naming his successor before he cashes in. China wants Tibet, but Tibet wants independence. The west has gone lightly (perhaps because there are only yaks and thanks there - no oil). It is an old too familiar story.

but - what would you say if you took the guiding, pivotal decisions for your life course and path from a guy who is stoned out of his gourd? would you do this thing?

no disrespect of course... but the absolute need for deepest consideration would be essential one might say...

Blogeo, ergo Sum.

I go
from time
to time I enjoy
publishing here and there.


as well as here.

ok, well if Rabbie Burns was a gadabout bacchanalian I can follow suit in the spirit of poets.

In conclusion I posit, therefore after Descartes'
Cogito, ergo Sum:

the 21st
Century it is:

Blogeo, ergo Sum. 

talk amongst yourselves.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gotta Love the work of Jean Reno

like to 
see how 
the former 
Russia, the Kingdom 
formerly known as the 
Soviet Union - you would do no better 
       than to tune in to

Today (end of February 2011) they have a good interview with Jean Reno, seen here.

Ancient Poetry - Modern Form

it was a good ole time
way back when
my o my
when musicians could actually play instruments
they're  e c h o e s
through memory's halls.

I started using this form as poem thing a while back. Above. Stems from the idea in oldest poems being written in the actually shape of the thing they are written about. By old here I mean thousands of years old, coming from records of ancient China (where I live most of the time). I confess I like the idea. Even back to the nax - chi ideograms. Makes me think I got to spend a year down in Yunnan like my friends tell me.

Pardon my pronunciation, I speak Mandarin, Guo Yu / Pu Dong Huar... obviously  the dialect is Yunnan - southern China in "naxidong".

I love the form thing because it looks like - at least in this case - something reminiscent of a lamp or a vase. I invented a whole series of poems based on mathematical progressions, which I claim copyright to here - called the Mids©. They are stored away on my google secure site somewhere. I have written thousands of poems. And I don't care I just can't stop. Some day I may start to collect them into one place in order to call it a book. But somehow I am not crazy about the idea of books yet, perhaps the time will come.

Fairy Dance of the Puppets in Libya

They've called round the wagons in Libya. Wow. Here we have the up close and personal view of a guy, Qadaffi in dashiki v.2 a.k.a the real me  - propped up corrupt as any puppet would safely be with the western billions to spend on matters of state - and here he goes ballistic in real time. UUUUuuuuuf.

And in our This Just In Department:    U.N. rights body recommends suspension of Libya
I cannot help but think of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan (did you realize that in 2008 the LARGEST natural gas reserve was found there?), Kazakhstan (where I worked on a joint Russian-Chinese energy project), Tadjikistan, Azerbaijan (where I was shot)... like so many puppets. The Central Asia Shuffle perhaps? Sort of like a Fairy Dance of the Puppets version reminiscent of the Christmas Nutcracker Suite, eh? Macabre to say the least. Political embarrassment - just a little. What do you say when the fetid calf eats its own? "You cannibal, you?"

Why I stay tuned is - a good friend and associate is in Libya. Doctor T -- call home. 1 week and 1 day and counting. You have email.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Living with ambiguity: Oh, THAT one...

The essential youth of a generation ago (1970s) were - if either their parents cared to give them a good education - or, if as in my case I took the matter into my own hands - were raised on a diet of Kierkegaard, Sartre, Camus, Unamuno, as well as Shakespeare, Chaucer, Beowulf, Poe, ee cummings, Walt Whitman ( I was actually one of the kids featured in the Dead Poets' Society film starring Robin Williams) - to name a few.
Later I honed my thinking with Socrates, Plato especially and the mystery school; (one of the reasons I married my ex-wife is that she had been at and experienced the oracle at Delphi); Robert Nozick (Philosophical Explanations), with necessary excursions into the land of Gurdjieff - Ouspenskii, and started my/our own Forest Philosophers group along the Uspenskii parameters. In fact I have enjoyed working with the Gurdjieff Organization in brevo, and indeed today I own land in Georgia along the footpath where Gurdjieff travelled in Armenia-Kurdistan-Georgia - Russia before "Madame Revolution quietly came in..." (1914-1924). 


of the human condition.

Ever love an Escher engraving, whereby the edge of the painting-etching trickles - issues - feeds OFF the edges of the canvas? Or - the wet technique Bob Ross (American) school where the artist was almost obsessed with extending trees and things off the surface of the canvas?

Ever savour the work of James Joyce - in particular Ulysses where the last word feeds back to the first word of the novel  (   ... back to the...   riverrun   ...)?

Such works are like Moebius strips, dimension 1 and a half, or say three and a half... Cups with 1/2 a handle, Klein bottles which cannot hold water because they exist inside out.

.. Art imitates the essential unfinished business of all human life. In reality things come apart at the edges all and everywhere like a Dali painting! As the great Rabbie Burns (sadly died in 1796) said,

"The best laid plans
of mice and men
gang aft agley."

You just cannot miss it.

Ambiguity here
And over there
Enough ambiguity
for everyone everywhere.

Good news is, we come by ambiguity honestly. In simpler terms we came to call it human condition at Montgomery Bell Academy - last century; literary. In fact I understand they still teach the boys the terminology and context. Gaudeamus igitur iuvenes dum sumus!

For those desiring more rigorous definition, the ambiguity of life is from A thru Z an extension of quantum - meaning that the best we all can do, at any time, from the beginning of time, spacetime as we know it - through the end of time - is to tolerate ambiguity. It is built into the hardware of spacetime. If and when we get to the high energies of black holes and supersymmetry violating particle physics, we can talk there about things in different dimensions and parallel universes. Until then, we are stuck with oddsmaking.

In fact read most high energy physics papers - the grist for my typical workday (with particular emphasis on Los Alamos) - and you will see PDFs - meaning Probability Density Functions - permeating the basis of most of the physics, or at least much -i.e. significant parts.

So what have you done for me lately, you ask?

This actually means that the ambiguity of "food prices doubling" - is quite normal - given the lack of free market economy; whether prices double or not is sort of moot because - I can tell you that overseas food prices in:

  • Mongolia

  • Kazakhstan

  • PRC - China

  • Azerbaijan

  • Russia

  • Georgia

...have each already doubled from say 5 years ago for key commodities including bread, rice, beans, and meat... well, meat is actually thru the roof in places like Mongolia. (I forgot to mention that I have other data -- also worked in Europe for quite a long time as well; sort of a different case from free market there as well but with socialistic sorts government subsidies; we can take the doubling price scenario just in third world countries for the present).

Anyway all of this leads up to address the simplistic "Walt" posting to the forum at He says, about  claims that food will "double" in price:

I’m all about growing my own food, and I did plant a garden in my backyard last summer that produced quite a bit of food. However, I have to take issue with your statement that “food prices are expected double.”

Really? I think you’re engaging in extreme hyperbole. Inflation for food is not 100%. Check your facts and come in with a realistic statement and I’ll become a fan.

What? Have you ever lived in another country Walt? How about a developing country? Underdeveloped country? Would you like to see prices I have from the shelves of China from the early 2000s? Would you like to talk to a stall owner / bazaar owning friend of mine in Mongolia? There the prices are already easily triple from 2000-2005 time frame.

Walt, America does not have a free market economy. It is an economy of bubbles, each controlled by large advertisers and brand making bloodsucking telemarketeers. You know, the democracy hating banksters and market shysters who make things cheap if you buy twn thousand widgets and if you want to buy oine item you pay 70 poercent more on the average. In central Asia the rule is no крышa, no work. крышa  means the guy you pay - like the mob boss in New Jersey - to keep your business "protected", from competition. You no pay, you no work.

I have done the math. You will see that prices here are carefully being widgeted up - like the price for gas - so that over a year or two it seems like a small increment but over 5 - 10 years it is way more than what had been experienced in say the previous 10 0r 20 year period.

In the states I remember lentils for 30 cents a pound in the 1990s, last week I paid 1.99 for a 1 pound bag.

So, WALT, I have good news for you. Your need to dissuade yourself from a healthy cynicism at what you see about claims for "prices doubling" at - you do not need to have such fear.

WE ARE SEEING 5 TO TEN TIMES the price for many things we paid say 2 decades ago. Check it out. And join the majority who get it right.

Ain't democracy great? 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where will this wave touch?

Is this a set of waves?

I am an active participant in ongoing dialog in Caucasus, and notives   - posting about atheism and options. A Christian country, Republic of Georgia has been waffling to and fro since January especially when the topic came up. ( for the whole story see  ).

Recently a poster said -

ეს სტატია თითქოს მე დავწერე – იმდენად ზუსტად გამოხატავს ჩემს აზრს.

...or - basically and in a few words,

კიდევ ერთი რამეა ტაბუირებული: ათეიზმი და ათეისტობა. მე მახსოვს, ზოგიერთ წრეში ადრე ამის ხმამაღლა აღიარების მეშინოდა კიდეც. ეს რომ ხმამაღლა თქვა, ისე შემოგხედავენ, როგორც ჭირიანს. თუმცა ახლა არ ვერიდები...

that is, it is ok to speak openly about questions to authority and influence of church vs. state.  

Where I get off here is that - I really really wonder how Georgia, and especially Azerbaijan - might perhaps or indeed will follow the wave of political uprisings - remembering that Azerbaijan as well as Dagestan (Russian territory) [ where just today there was another terakt / terrorist act] - both are in the bubbling Caucasus .

For my Russian readers:

I. Почему бы не быть критические вопросы к Патриарх Церкви и о? 

  Как странно, что должно сопровождаться специальными агрессии, а не Бог, Библия критического обсуждения, но патриарх, тот или иной шаг, выражение обсуждения Бог ...

This wave - perhaps western scholars want to follow other thinking and call it an "Awakening" - may yet reach the Caucasus, already fragile. I keep up with it because I worked there and now hang out there in the dacha I bought in Adjara. There is a definite wind of change here and there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Absolutely Riveting

Absolutely riveting, at least to a linguist - the work on Naxi language. For your consideration:

     As an outed linguist I really find the work there unabashedly a triple crown because I live and work in China (and America); I love Tibetan language and culture; and the development of a purely pictographic language representation which took place let us say roughly 1000 years ago, and was studied / documented extensively 300+ years ago is, well, very satisfying.

If one had but more time. Much more...    O tempora... 

Friday, February 11, 2011

i am working on another translation of

i am working on another translation of

Arif Mansourov. THE GENES OF HYENAS. Second Revised Edition. BAKU 1994 ... Remaining true to the noble traditions of his ancestors, Arif Mansourov, ... 

here is the paper, if u read it you will find the work in english is choppy as an esl teacher might remark. the work has merit because it shows central asian thinking about current central asia and the influence of lenin and sov thru post sov occupation (if i can successfully use the term without buzzword cliché implications).

paradoxes etc

rereading letter from kuert goedel to von neumann concerning facility of turing machine versus levels of uncountability. first blush - reminiscent of Einstein quote   not everything that can be counted, counts...

well certainly we seem ready to say   for example counting from 1 thru infinity is a very different problem ("set", "a") than raising any number in that "set""a" to a power because one must first obtain the number in the set then perform a function on it, and that number is larger than the number in "set""a".

reference to post's problem also. good letter. take this thing one way:

ll artists, well maybe i should say all good artists belabor the struggle to infinity, within infinity as this - really it is a bigger set of problems in many ways than einstein's struggle with relativity. which is why i prefer solving nyumber theory issues than studying high energy physics from a post hoc approach (example )

is there anything new in confronting this the central issue of not our time now   but all times? so far no.

Welcome To My Public Papers

Welcome to my public papers. Here u will find twitter, email and other social networking utils and stuff.